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RE: Strange Blue Glows Re: [TCML] Energy accumulation on TC.
I had a strange experience once with the broken filament dancing around in the bulb - as it hit the glass small Lichtenberg figures were produced on the glass walls. Not sure how or why. I did manage to get some photos, and a short movie with the digital camera. It was very clear to the eye, but really difficult to capture in focus. For what it's worth:
Take care with those green glows! Even a small "Violet Ray" machine with its 1" spark can produce soft X-Rays.
Jeff Behary> > I have seen it too. I had an old light bulb (clear) and would glow green> > when energised. The glass would glow a faint green for a few minutes> > afterwards. In this case it was probably due to X-rays. One neat thing> > when energised was the magnified image of the broken filiment on the> > glass.> > The filiment would dance around and the image would move also, but you> > could> > make out the coil of the filiment in the image. I should try some X-ray> > pics with that bulb.> >> > David E Weiss
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