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Re: [TCML] Secondary Troubles


Since your coil is still performaing as good as it has
up until this point, I doubt that you have done ir-
repairable damge to it. As far as removing the
black carbon tracks, which are conductive and can
lead to further problems if not corrected, I would try
applying that PVC preparation "pipe dope" cleaner
(the stuff that you daub in/on your PVC pipe before
you daub on the glue) with a clean rag. This will pro-
bably remove the majority of the black streaks unless
they've burnt in really deep. If it has burnt deeper,
then you can also go with Chip's scouring pad sug-
gestion in addition to the "pipe dope" cleansing.

Happy July 4th,
David Rieben

----- Original Message ----- From: "Phillip Slawinski" <pslawinski@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 10:17 PM
Subject: [TCML] Secondary Troubles

I set up my TC today to 'play'.  I think I made a big mistake.  I
accidentally had the ungrounded low voltage lead from the secondary inside
the coil form.  To make a long story short my secondary PVC form now has
some nice tree-like black tracks on the inside of it.  The TC still works,
and puts out streamers to about three and a half feet or more.

Is there a way to clean up these tracks?  Should I just abandon that
secondary and wind a new one?  I've got plenty of wire and plenty of PVC.
Should I stop coiling for making such a stupid mistake?
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