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Re: [TCML] Strike Rail Hits Was: Stacking vs Large Diameter

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:13 PM, bartb <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi David,
> I'm in the process of building a ribbon primary. The ribbon is 1" x .035" x
> 50ft. I'm building this for the SISG coil (since I'm waiting on more diodes
> as I decided on full bridge capable of 60kV rectification). The inner


I've noticed in the pictures on this thread, that the copper ribbon
being used seems to be quite a bit thicker than the .035" ribbon you
have.  Is there any concern to be had about using a thinner ribbon vs
a thicker one?  Any adjustments necessary to design or calculations
based on this?
i.e. this picture:
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