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RE: [TCML] NE Ohio Coiling Activities.
Your 7 KVA DC coil looks great and intriguing. How about sharing the design
& specs of it on this list. And what is that ghostly toroid-looking thing
above and to the left of the real one?
--Steve Y.
-----Original Message-----
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Roger Smith
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 7:14 AM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Cc: teslafy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [TCML] NE Ohio Coiling Activities.
I think I could make it out that way for a Teslathon in September. I live
in Chillicothe, about 40 miles south of Columbus, OH. It just so
happens that I'm haveing a Teslathon myself here on Satorday August 2. In
case you havent heard about, here is a link with more info.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harvey Norris" <harvich@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <teslafy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 3:56 PM
Subject: [TCML] NE Ohio Coiling Activities.
> Recently purchased variable speed AC drive for winding secondaries. With
> a slip belt drive at 5 hz we have produced a variety of secondaries of
> good craftsmanship, and are testing these also with a variety of primary
> designs.
> Secondaries are wound on 4 in ID PVC tubing making for a 4.5 in OD. Two
> of these at ~1 ft have been wound with an ample supply of 23 gauge wire,
> and also a 2 ft winding with a higher h/d ratio/ which has entirely
> confused me towards its actual resonant frequency compared to the 1 ft
> model, and how the h/d ratio might change things. Today we wind another 1
> ft section, but it is wound in the opposite direction to explore 2 ft
> secondary bipolar secondary models in comparison to entire horizontal 2 ft
> secondary wound in one direction vs two counter-wound secondaries of one
> ft. from the center out. In the counter-wound model both the (left and
> right) base spiraled primaries and secondaries will be wound mirror image
> to each other from the perspective of a center vertical plane dividing
> point; or in other words they are mirror images of each other.
> My good colleague Doc, is the craftsman here and he has also built a
> secondary winding on a thin funnel shaped cone and a counterpart inverse
> conical primary, a very unusual design to wind to say the least. He
> operated this at my set parameters of 15 nf where I was operating at
> with a different helical designs of 1 and 2 ft; so I have no idea of what
> capacity should be correct for his design, but he still obtained weak
> effects. He put in quite a bit of effort here as the soldered top copper
> ball shows the hillbilly ingenuity; but he is not good with numbers, as
> sometimes neither am I and would like to post a pic of this in operation
> for others to guess at the correct operating capacity. But I dont know
> the procedure here at tesla list for posting pics. Doc is admittedly not
> a coiler but an artist, so his design is undoubtably a shot in the dark.
> I will plan on a tentative NE Ohio Teslathon for Sept if interest
> shows. Things are finally coming together from years ago so this years
> project at the new property appears to be the operation of dual 360 hz 3
> phase bus alternators to create a true three phase interaction on TC
> secondaries; which of course is a bold project. This is pending upon
> wiring 220 volts to the end garage here; but the variable speed drive
> might be tried for studying effects of frequency change.
> Sincerely Harvey D Norris
> 330-968-4368
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