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Re: [TCML] Secondary and Primary Assistance

Hi Ed,

I know you were only poking at a little fun. Perfect time. There was also a time when I wrote Engineering bulletins and technical manuals (which is why I have fun now and then). I have a very rebellious nature. Those who know me "well" know I will tell them just the opposite of what they expect, especially when they are so "adamant" about a situation. It's just my way. It's kind of a "put them into shock" treatment so their mind is forced open.


Ed Phillips wrote:
Although this wasn't one of those times (I was in a hurry at that moment and had one foot out the door as I clicked the send button). It happens.

Bart "

Same thing here - usually when I forget to attach a file referenced in the note. I have to edit engineers' reports regularly and sure seem some bizarre spelling these days so can't resist the temptation to word smith stuff occasionally.

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