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Re: [TCML] Sad news: Ralph Zekelman (fwd)

Ralph and I had many good conversations by E-mail over the years. He knew everything there was to know about vacuum tubes and their uses as well as radio theory. He was a great contributer and will certainly be missed.


Chip Atkinson wrote:
This might be of interest to some.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:54:46 -0700
From: Steve Morton <aimskyhigh@xxxxxxx>
To: tesla-owner@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Ralph Zekelman


I am sad to report that my uncle, Ralph Zekelman, passed away about two
weeks ago.  I know that he was a member of the Tesla group and don�t know if
this is an appropriate venue to distribute this news, but wanted to let you
know as I don�t have names, addresses, or e-mails of any individual members
that he knew.  Ralph is survived by his brother, Charles Morton of Evanston,
Illinois and my two sisters, Gail Kahn of Chicago and Diana Morton of

There will be no public service.

Steve Morton

Irvine, California


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