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RE: [TCML] Tesla Coil Needed for Art Exhibition in Los Angeles (fwd)

Hi Jim, et al,

I have thrown in my hat with my 4" coil. I stipulated a "hold harmless"
would be required; but, I am sure that would be useless if someone gets hold
of the primary when the cell phone rings! I also stipulated an 8 foot
diameter rope minimum and the obligatory warning to pacemaker wearers, not
that I believe the most excellent "hardening" of these devices would blink.
Otherwise, it sounds like fun. It would strictly be a hobbyist/artist in the
guise of things.

This might lend itself better to a solid state coil, mine's a tungsten
series gap that easily does 3 feet with a repotted 12KV transformer with
half the shunts on the bench :-) It was made for in class demonstrations.

Regards and Long Sparks,
Jim Mora

-----Original Message-----
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of jimlux
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:55 PM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] Tesla Coil Needed for Art Exhibition in Los Angeles

Chip Atkinson wrote:
> Jeff,
> Do you know if selling someone or some organization a coil would reduce
> the liability of the vendor over operating or lending a coil to the same
> party?
> My thought, now that you bring it up,  was the potential problem in the
> form of liability for a list member to get involved if something went
> wrong.
> Chip

anyone can sue for anything.  It's the defense that costs the money.

If you're a student with no assets and a tesla coil, this is a decent 

If you have any assets..

"selling and/or renting" makes you, for sure, "in the business of", and 
greatly increases the odds of you getting named if something goes wrong.

"loaning" at least allows you the putative protection of not being in 
the business of, and maybe, your homeowner's liability insurance might 
cover it.

OTOH, the gallery probably has some sort of insurance, and if they're 
willing to make you a "named insured", maybe you can work a deal.
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