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RE: [TCML] Should I repot this NST?

Two more questions - 
How do I take a current reading from the output side of an NST? 
If I removed shunts, wouldn't my tank cap have to increase too?
317 201 4281
The Laser Harp Project - www.stephenhobley.com/build


From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx on behalf of DC Cox
Sent: Sat 9/20/2008 9:00 AM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] Should I repot this NST?

If you are going to run it in a TC circuit, you will be abusing it slightly.

It might last, but also, might not.

I vote for bbqing it for a few hours, get all the tar out, wash out
thoroughly with kerosine.

Then, since it is wide open, knock out about 2-3 shunts in each corner

Drop it into a Walmart plastic tube of xmfr or mineral oil (xmfr oil is

Check your next output current off each bushing to ground.  Short opposite
bushing to ground to equalize the load during this test.

With higher output current, and running in oil, your coil's performance will
increase substantially.

Dr. Resonance

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Stephen J. Hobley <shobley@xxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> I got hold of a 12kv 60ma NST from a local sign company. It's pretty old
> and the potting is a bit cracked, as you can see:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/20929480@N03/sets/72157607383559345/
> It passes the "arc to case" test on both sides without any issues, but I
> was wondering if I should repot/remelt this?
> I almost cranked up the grill, but then I read how you can overcook the
> potting on towards the base if not careful.
> I did melt some of the bigger cracks closed with my 'pocket blowtorch'.
> Steve
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