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Re: [TCML] VTTC-tuning. John got me started ;-)
On Apr 3, 2009, at 12:40 PM, Dex Dexter wrote:
Here's the part I don't understand:
Others eventually got longer sparks perhaps at 30 PPS staccato rate
Short answer is yes, because power input in VTTCs that are not
optimal is lost, typically as heat in many different components.
It is a system subject to loss which is a variable associated with
many components. Not all coils are equal.
Do you mean they used the same input power as in raw 60 Hz operation
but operated VTTC 30 PPS staccato?
Most, not all VTTC coils, use self rectification which produces the 60
Hz operation. Even if they use a simple doubler (level shifter) it
still operates at 60 Hz.
The staccato mode is a simple device that is in synchronization with
the 60Hz to ground the tube cathode. The tank circuit uses its energy
in between the pulses.
The streamers die between pulses. The original purpose of the
controler was to reduce the duty cycle of the tube and operate the
tube beyond its intended ratings.
If you rectify the plate voltage and run pure DC you end up producing
a flame like discharge that is corona and no streamers.
John W. G.
John W. Gudenas, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science
--- futuret@xxxxxxx wrote:
From: futuret@xxxxxxx
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [TCML] VTTC-tuning. John got me started ;-)
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 19:20:07 -0400
VTTC's don't seem to show much growth in spark length from
60Hz pulse to next 60Hz pulse. I use the formula:
Spark length (inches) = 0.5*sqrt input power (watts wallplug)
This assumes steady raw AC operation on 60Hz, not staccato,
nor DC input power.
Using a much larger rather than smaller toroid doesn't seem to improve
the spark lengths for VTTCs.
My coil which had a 3" x 12" secondary wound with 28 awg wire
seemed to work well at 2000 watts for 24" sparks. Also Steve Ward's
x 15"
secondary worked well with the 26 awg wire he used. I forget what
his maximam wattage was. I think he got up to 26" sparks or so.
Others eventually got longer sparks perhaps at 30 PPS staccato rate.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dex Dexter <dexterlabs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 6:40 am
Subject: Re: [TCML] VTTC-tuning. John got me started ;-)
John W. Gudenas, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science
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