Hi David,
Oh, and while I was looking for something else, I found this. Lots of pictures on my web site that have never been hooked up to a page, this one is of a jury rigged contraption I used to find the right size capacitor for my "John FreauPhase Shifter" for my SRSG. It does 0-75uF in 5uF steps. http://deanostoybox.com/big_pictures/capbank.jpg Or for those who do the webmail thing, in case you get a 403 error: http://deanostoybox.com/temp/capbank.jpg
Light switches work excellent for all kinds of gizmo's (and their low priced). I've built a few of these up to about 20 switches in a row for testing various sensor inputs for cmos logic circuits. They are robust and would certainly work well for PFC variation.
Take care, Bart _______________________________________________ Tesla mailing list Tesla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.pupman.com/mailman/listinfo/tesla