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[TCML] Cleanup time revisited-stuff not sold

OK guys,
Here's the story. I thought I was putting up stuff at rock bottom prices,
but you've shown little interest.  I have cut the prices on everything.  If
they're still to high, make an offer.  After that, I'll decide it's all
junk. Here's the new list. You can scroll down to the old list to verify the
Jack Henderson     

Unused Pole Pig-        14.4 KV, 5KVA                              $145.00
Wards Welder-           230 amp, variable                          $ 40.00
Transformer-         Osborne, type 3858C, 480v to 240v,60Hz        $ 25.00
Transformers (3)-     Wahlgren Blue Spark Fly Controllers:2233     $3.00 ea
                        IN: 115vac, 60 Hz, 50 VA--OUT; 4KV, 11MA
                        One end grounded.  Came from old barn.
Silicon Insulated Wire- 15KV,150 deg C, Markel Corp. Style 3239   $4.00/25'
                       300', 16 ga stranded nickel plated
                       Compare at $20.00+$10.00/25¹ shipping on eBay.
Spark Gaps-            1 fixed                                    $5.00
                       1 forced air with blower/vacuum            $15.00
Variable Capacitor-     LARGE oil filled 8²X8²X9²; ?uf            $30.00
                        10 stationary plates 4²X2 1/2²
                        spaced 1² apart.  10 movable plates.
Secondary Coils-       1 8²X48²(never fired up)                   $40.00
                       1 4²by24²(excellent condition).            $15.00
                       Both with end caps.
Primary Coil-           For 4² secondary, 15 turn, 5/32² copper     $ 7.50
Variacs-               Powerstat-7.8KVA, 240V in, 0 to 240V out,   $125.00
                                 28 amp
                       General Radio-Type 100R-2.0 KVA            $35.00
                               230v, 60Hz, 9 amp
                       Type 2422-53090016-220v-260v,50-400Hz, 8amp $8.00
Capacitors-            4  3uf, 660VAC;                            $ 3.00ALL
                        3  10uf, 660VAC
 Primary Copper Strap-   1/10²X3/8²X175¹                            $35.00
Ground Wire-           Brandon Rex 4 AWG, 100¹                    $35.00
                       AWM Style 1283, 105deg C,600v VW-1 CSA TEW
                       4 AWG  25¹                                 $10.00
                       00 AWG  25¹                                $15.00
Heavy Duty Carts-       3 wheel with tongue, 2'X4'                 FREE
                       4 4"casters, 27 1/2"X 45"                  FREE
                       4 4 1/2" casters, 26"X26"                  FREE
Transformer-           Unknown-6"X6 1/2"X7"                        FREE

Hi All,
I am cleaning up.  I have the following items for sale.  I can ship the
small stuff, but the pole pig, the other large transformer, and the welder
will have to be picked up.

Unused Pole Pig-        14.4 KV, 5KVA                               $400.00
Wards Welder-           230 amp, variable                           $ 50.00
Silicon Insulated Wire- 15KV,150 deg C, Markel Corp. Style 3239   $5.00/25'
                        300', 16 ga stranded nickel plated
                        Compare at $20.00+$10.00 shipping on eBay.
Spark Gaps-             1 fixed                                     $10.00
                        1 forced air with blower/vacuum             $20.00
Variable Capacitor-     LARGE oil filled approx   to   uf           $40.00
Secondary Coils-        1 8²X48²(never fired up)                    $60.00
                        1 4²by24²(excellent condition).             $20.00
                        Both with end caps.
Primary Coil-           For 4² secondary, 15 turn, 5/32² copper     $15.00
Variacs-                Powerstat-7.8KVA, 240V in, 0 to 240V out,   $175.00
                                  28 amp
                        Powerstat Type 136-2.8 KVA, 230v, 10 amp    $20.00
                        General Radio-Type 100R-2.0 KVA             $30.00
                                230v, 6oHz, 9 amp
                        Type 2422-53090016-220v-260v,50-400Hz, 8amp $10.00
Transformer-            Unknown-6"X6 1/2"X7"                         FREE
HVDC Supplies-          2  115VAC in, 9KVDC out                     $ 5.00ea
                        1 118VAC, 50-400Hz in, 15KVDC out           $10.00
Magnet wire             1 Roll 30 GA, enameled                      $10.00
Capacitors-             4  3uf, 660VAC;                             $ 1.00ea
                        3  10uf, 660VAC                             $ 1.00ea
Primary Copper Strap-   1/10²X3/8²X300¹                             $50.00
Ground Wire-            Brandon Rex 4 AWG, 100¹                     $40.00
                        AWM Style 1283, 105deg C,600v VW-1 CSA TEW
                        4 AWG  25¹                                  $10.00
                        00 AWG  25¹                                 $20.00
                        Assorted meters and insulators              $ 3.00ea
Heavy Duty Carts-       3 wheel with tongue, 2'X4'                  FREE
                        4 4"casters, 27 1/2"X 45"                   FREE
                        4 4 1/2" casters, 26"X26"                   FREE                                           

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