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Re: [TCML] Rotary Disc Material

Hi Herr, all,

I was having a problem with even my G-10 rotary
disc "blistering" up a bit arouund the flying tungsten
electrodes of my ARSG. My flying electrodes are
each a 2" long x 3/8" dia. tungsten slug, and the
rotary disc is 1/2" thick. I was able to rectify the
problem by obtaining 16 of those 3/8" shaft collars
and placing one on each end of each flying tungsten
electrode, up flush with the surface of the rotary
disc to give a bit more thermal mass and a larger
heat conductive footprint on the surface of the
rotary disc. I also changed my ballast to be slight-
ly more restrictive of current flow as my original
ballast was allowing >100 amps of current with
240 to 280 volts input. Now, the amperage draw
is kept to a more sain 80 amps. ;^)

David Rieben

----- Original Message ----- From: "Quarkster" <quarkster@xxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Rotary Disc Material

As noted in my earlier email, the difference in the maximum recommended operating temperature between the phenolic and G10 materials is only 20 degrees F, not really very significant.

G11 material raises the operating temperature to 300 deg. F, but this temperature can still be easily exceeded in a coil powered by a pole pig or potential transformer, where the tips of the flying electrodes can run at 600 degrees or more. Some solutions are to use longer electrodes, and/or add finned brass or aluminum heat sinks on the electrodes to help dissipate the heat before it can be conducted into the disk material.

Herr Zapp
----- Original Message ----- From: "DC Cox" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Rotary Disc Material

If you are running a .04 uF or larger cap size, especially with a pole xmfr,
then avoid the LE (linen-based) or CE (cloth based) phenolic.  This will
soften with heat.  Best to use the G-10 glass laminate grade of phenolic.
I've used both types and the LE or CE grade will work fine for small RSGs
and synchro RSGs, but with high power the glass G-10 grade is safer.

Dr. Resonance

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Quarkster <quarkster@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Andrew -

I forgot to mention that McMaster-Carr (www.mcmaster-carr.com) sells 12"
squares of G9, G10 and LE phenolic in various thicknesses. A 12" X 12" X
3/8" slab of G10 is priced at ~$47, with LE phenolic priced at ~$35. This is not unreasonable if you are going to make a reliable, well-designed, safe

Herr Zapp

--- On Wed, 4/22/09, Quarkster <quarkster@xxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Quarkster <quarkster@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [TCML] Rotary Disc Material
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 10:31 AM

Andrew -

Any polyethylene material is completely unsuitable for use as rotor
material in
a Tesla coil rotary spark gap. Polyethylene (even UHMW material) is
soft and has very low tensile and shear strength. Even worse, the
heat-deflection temperature is extremely low, so the material will begin to
distort at very low loads at even moderate temperatures.

An RSG disk mounted on a high-speed motor is subjected to very high
loads, and needs to be carefully designed and constructed so as not to be a
potential bomb. The  structural failure of an RSG disk at full speed can
release a tremendous amount of energy, and electrodes can "leave the
scene" at very high velocity.

There are several materials that are much better candidates than PE for RSG
rotor material, but they still have temperature limits and stress limits
must not be exceeded:

1. Fiberglass fabric reinforced epoxy laminate (Grades G10 or G11);
2. Fiberglass fabric reinforced melamine laminate (Grades G5 or G9);
3. Canvas or linen fabric reinforced phenolic laminate (Grades CE or LE).

The fiberglass-reinforced materials are strongest, and have the best
high-temperature characteristics, but are difficult to machine and require
carbide or diamond cutting tools to get decent surface finishes and tool
All of these materials have good electrical characteristics (resistance to
tracking, etc)

The phenolic laminates are much easier to machine, and work well IF the
electrode temperature can be maintained within the material's temperature limits. If the temperature limits are exceeded, the resin binder will begin
decompose, causing loss of strength of the material, loss of dimensional
stability, shift in electrode position, etc.

The G9 and G10 materials are good for ~285 deg. F; G11 is good for ~300
deg. F,
while the phenolic-based materials are good for ~265 deg. F.

Herr Zapp

--- On Wed, 4/22/09, Andrew Robinson <teslamad@xxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Andrew Robinson <teslamad@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [TCML] Rotary Disc Material
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 4:54 AM

Check out this image of my old SRSG:


The disc used UHMWPE (Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene) as its base plastic. Ignoring the burned areas, what im really concerned about is the
melting... I know all this looks bad, bear with with me a min.

(Side note: UHMWPE has a melting point around 144 to 152 degrees C)_

This gap ran a 10KVA pig driven coil hence the crazyness. Those steel
electrodes got so hot that they melted into the plastic. The washers that
to be there are now completely gone... vanished... MIA. lol

Anywaz, the new gap is going to use tungsten electrodes that space out
from the disc to prevent the burning , the the new electrode material
help with the heating up problem, but as an extra measure, im looking for a
material to machine the disc out of. I've seen alot of people out there
made the disc out of what looks like a brown brittle material. What can I
that will chock it up to the heat and be an excellent insulator?

Andrew Robinson
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