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Re: [TCML] MOT Measurements

Hi Herwig,

It's been fun. The simulations are where most concentration is at. Even those simulations for Cres graphs were about 400 runs just to get some detail. One could always do a center frequency thing in a single run, but for the task I felt it best to vary C.

Tonight I thought about how to put some C to my test MOT, but I think I'm going to have some problems due to what I have on hand. So, instead, I went ahead and looked at expected Cres values for 10V increments up to 120V. It's kind of interesting how this came out and it will be even more interesting if it plays out as expected.

InputV    Cres(uF)
------   --------
10.14     1.39
20.00     1.34
30.20     1.37
40.20     1.32
50.10     1.35
60.20     1.47
70.20     1.57
80.00     1.72
90.10     2.20
100.00     2.34
110.10     2.68
120.20     2.83

It's going to be difficult to test this because I have only a handful of C values that I can play with. Anyway, this is the type of Cres change I speculated about. Note after 50V input, we start to affect Cres in this particular transformer and type. I expect a little fluctuation with a transformer, and especially shunted transformers, but MOT's appear to be rather extreme cases. If I could test the 40V and 80V cases and measure close to the expected values, then I would be rather confident on the remaining results.

Take care,

Herwig Roscher wrote:
Hi Bart,
Above is the measured and calculated values.
- Thank you very much for your detailed research and all the time you
are spending. I am very impressed on the coincidence of your
simulations and measurements.

Bye Herwig
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