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[TCML] Stuck at 36"

Hello everyone, first time here (great site!).  I've built a coil that refuses to put a streamer past 36" to a grounded plate suspended vertically at the top of the secondary.  Occassionally I'll get one 41-42".

I'm using NST's 1@60Ma 7.5kv 4@30Ma 7.5kv all hooked together.  I think they're all okay because if I remove any one of them from the system performance diminishes.

The secondary coil that I've had the best luck with is wound on a 5-1/4" varnished paper tube winding length 22-1/2" the wire is .014 or #27 magnet it's 1,607 turns 2,208 feet.

My capacitors are a mixed batch of homemade HDPE plate type.  

Caps #1 & 2 each contain aluminum plates 10 x 12" 16 plates each .090 HDPE between each plate

Caps #3 & 4 each contain aluminum plates 4-1/2 x 9" 40 plates each .060 HDPE between each plate

Cap #5 rolled type in oil .01583 MFD

All capacitors are in oil.  

My spark gap is a segmented type with 10 copper tubes 7/8 OD 5" long total space between gaps is .150" just enough so the transformers can break.
The gap is also blown with a fan.  

My primary is a 1/4" copper tube conical 15 degree 14 turns 23" OD 7-1/2" ID seems best tapped at 12 to 13 turns.  I'm using a spun toroid it is 4-1/2 x 18" that size seems to work the best although if I put a 6" sphere on top pretty cool stuff happens (the streamers jump around the toroid and ball).  I have other secondaries that I've tried but this one is the best.  I have looked at other coils on this listing and other websites and I think mine should be doing better than 36".  Any input appreciated!

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