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[TCML] Transformer and reactor winding materials and services for tesla coils, etc.

To all,

To help those hobbyists who are building their own transformers and reactors
for tesla coils, ham radio equipment, pulse power equipment, general
electronic tinkering, etc. we are offering a wide variety of materials and

Some of the materials we offer are:
	5 & 10 mil Nomex 410 insulation cut to your specified widths and
	Kraft paper insulation cut to your specified widths and quantities.
	Flexible haysite for coil forms
	Winding mandrels to your specifications
	Transformer tape (high temperature)
	GPO-3 Angle & Channel
	High temperature rigid coil forms (GPO-3) to 72" diameter (small 3"
or 4" ones good for current limiting reactors)
	Lamination steel (we have various sizes and quantities in stock)
We also offer:
	Coil design services
	Coil winding services
	Coil/core assembly services
	Coil dip & bake services
	Complete transformer/reactor manufacturing services
	Transformer/reactor repair services
	Crating and shipping services for heavy equipment (primarily for
hobbyists in the Tampa bay area).

Other products we manufacture that may be of interest are:
	Custom power supplies (TC duty or otherwise)
	Control panels & consoles
	High voltage dividers
	Any custom type of electrical equipment

Please visit our website at:  www.DMsHV.com
Or contact us off list via email at:  Sales@xxxxxxxxx

Thank you and best regards,

David L. McKinnon, President
D&M's High Voltage, Inc.
P.O. Box 24002
Tampa, FL 33623
Ph: 813-784-8165
Fax: 727-536-1790
Email: Sales@xxxxxxxxx
Website:  www.DMsHV.com

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