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Re: [TCML] Primary Coil Copper Saving Idea

G Hunter wrote:
I've been patiently watching copper prices too, as I often squirrel away coiling stuff for the future.  The fact that world copper prices have collapsed is only just now reaching Lowe's.  My local Home Depot hasn't budged a bit on prices for copper or anything else--I've just about given up on them as a coiling source.  Last year a 50' spool of 1/4" refrigeration tubing was about $50.  At the time I also considered using thick THHN wire to save money, but it was so expensive, I couldn't see any cost advantage.  These days that 50" spool of Cu toob is about $30 at my local Lowe's.  I went ahead and bought one.  I still miss the late 90's / early 00's when I could get it for $16-$18 per spool.  Wish I'd bought a few and stashed them.

As far as Cu magnet wire...what's the deal?  Has anyone found a rational price anywhere?  I'm still living off my stash.  $100 plus shipping for a 10 lb spool?  Nuts!  I'll give up coiling before I pay that.

Still money grubbing in Mississippi,


shows 11lb spools of most sizes for $77/each
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