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[TCML] primary tubing
Hi guys,
A quick question re: materials for primaries. I realize that copper tubing is kind of the standard for winding primaries. However, while checking out the boilers at work it occured to me that a lot of aluminum tubing is used for gas valve vent lines, etc., and I was wondering if anyone has ever tried it on a primary. From a cost standpoint it's much cheaper, so is there any reason to not use it for a primary?
On another note, I liked that sign, too! I should've had that up on my front porch on Halloween. I sat out there with my coil, trying to scare the little buggers as they came up for candy. Gotta say, for most of them, their desire for sugar overcame any qualms about getting closer (still well out of reach, though) to the coil. Come spring, I hope my wife doesn't mind the grounding rod sticking up from the middle of her flower bed. Ah, she'll get over it!
Thanks for your thoughts on the tubing,
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