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RE: [TCML] VIDEO of variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap.
Hi Gary, et al,
This is astounding. I built my RQ air blast gap with an adjustable, high
power, concentrated, leaf blower using 1" brass dowels which worked great
(polished faces). I have some 2" stock already tapped for .5" studs. I'll
give it a go and blow it with a metered and regulated compressor and take a
scope picture of the quenching sometime soon.
Jim Mora
-----Original Message-----
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 4:56 AM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: RE: [TCML] VIDEO of variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap.
I have noticed the variable speed vacuum fan spark gap seems to work best
with a lot of air flow. I think the high air flow keeps it from over
heating and it also disrupts the arcs in the gap a lot more. I have used it
on smaller TCs with less power I put a jumper wire across 1 or 2 of the gaps
and used only 7 gaps or 6 gaps instead of the total 8 gaps. I made
adjustment so the vacuum fan was running at least 1/2 speed or faster. I
originally built this for my 12KW 10" coil the gap was over heating with a
tiny 4" box fan so at 3/4 speed the vacuum worked best and I can turn the
variac and watch the sparks get longer and shorter by about a foot while the
gap gets plenty of cooling.
The only experementing I have done with the gap spacing is, I built one
where they were not all exactly .030" gap. I built one and made sure very
gap was spaced different, .030, .029, .028, .027, .031, ,032, ,033, .034. By
comparing both on the same TC they appear to work pretty much the same
output measured the same to a target.
-----Original Message-----
>From: "Phil Tuck (hvtesla)" <phil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Nov 9, 2009 4:17 AM
>To: 'Tesla Coil Mailing List' <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: [TCML] VIDEO of variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap.
>Hello Gary.
>Thanks for the video, that's a nice looking construction. I like the idea
of the slots to concentrate the vacuum where it is needed. I can see the
usual debate about gap losses could arise, so did you try to use less gaps
than your current eight that you have now. I don't mean tap on different
positions on that particular gap, but rather say a different 4 or 5 gap
setup with bigger inter pipe gap spacing but still giving you the total you
have now of 0.24 inch.
>I recently ran a small pig at 5kva odd with a two gap static and was quiet
pleased with the results. I too like the ease of a static over an SRSG (with
a Freau controller) but a SRSG will always have more power throughput, *on
paper* at least.
>As I just happen to have a bit of thick wall 6 inch water pipe like that I
will look forward to seeing the video of it working on a coil. (with more
kva the better!)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: 08 November 2009 23:47
>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
>Subject: [TCML] VIDEO of variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap.
>Here is a video of the variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap. I threw
this together very quick so it is not a very professional video but you will
get the idea.
>Since most people do not have a milling machine I think the best way for
you folks to build this is to drill a row of 1/8" hole as close together as
you can it will do the same thing as the slots that I milled in the side of
the PVC pipe.
>Most of the time the VSVFRQSG is running about 1/2 to 3/4 speed so it
provides enough air flow to keep the spark gap cool.
>Once you build it and experement a few times you will see how well it
>When I get time I will hook it to a TC and get some video of the sparks
getting longer and shorter as I change the fan speed with the variac.
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>Sent: Nov 8, 2009 3:54 PM
>>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>Subject: Re: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>>I can turn on my TC and measure the output sparks using a typical RQ spark
gap with a 4" box fan.
>>Then I can swap out the RQ gap with the 4" box fan for my variable speed
vacuum fan RQ spark gap then turn on the TC. As I turn up the speed of the
fan I can see the output sparks get longer and longer. When the fan reach a
certain speed the sparks do not get longer. If I speed the fan up faster
the sparks start to get shorter. There is a fan speed where it is very
visible that the sparks have reached maximum length. I have taken
measurements and the sparks are always at least 5% longer some times more.
>>I have a variable speed vacuum fan spark gap on a 4" coil, 6" coil and my
10" coil. The same spark gap works on all the coils from 450 watts to 15KW.
>>The output on my 10" TC is 12 foot streamers to a target. I can change the
speed of the fan the output gets shorter. With the typical RQ spark gap
with a 4" box fan the output is about 10" 6" so I am getting an extra 18" of
output with the variable speed vacuum fan spark gap.
>>I have noticed I get my best output when the humidity in the air is very
>>I have built 2 different styles of variable speed vacuum fan spark gap and
the both work fine.
>>I will see if I can take some pics and upload them to photobucket and post
the links here. My son has a very large pile of auto parts stacked up in
from of my TC stuff that I have not used in several years. If I can get to
the spark gap and connect it to a TC I might even be able to get a video and
upload it to You Tube. Today I am working on the camper and tomorrow I have
another project to deal with so it may be a few days before I get around to
the spark gap.
>>Gary Weaver
>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Quarkster <quarkster@xxxxxxx>
>>>Sent: Nov 8, 2009 12:56 PM
>>>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>Subject: Re: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>>>Gary -
>>>Two questions:
>>>1. You stated: "The variac tunes the spark gap to the exact speed to get
>>>maximum output."
>>> By "exact speed" you mean airflow rate, correct? There is no rotary
>>>spark gap, and the only variable is the amount of air passing throiugh
>>>static spark gap?
>>>2. By "12 foot arcs", you mean single arc channel or streamer, from
>>>to some other object, and not two simultaneous six-foot arcs from each
>>>of your topload? In your photo, it looks like the coil is generating two
>>>simultaneous 5-6 foot arcs from each side of the spherical topload.
>>>Herr Zapp
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: <gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 3:05 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>>>> Ok.... what exactly are you looking for. Plans you can copy?
>>>> Here is a link to my 10" coil. Secondary is 950 turns of #18 enamel
>>>> coated copper wire close wound on a 10" diameter PVC pipe. Secondary
>>>> has 3 coats of polyurthane. Primary coil flat would 1/4" copper tubing
>>>> 1/2" spacing with strike rail. Variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap.
>>>> Capacitor is .035 uf 40K volts. The coil produces 12 foot arcs on about
>>>> 12KW at 14,000. volts. The variac tunes the spark gap to the exact
>>>> to get maximum output. I can dial in about 1 extra ft of output arc
>>>> length with the spark gap vacuum fan speed control.
>>>> My suggestion is forget the rotary it is just a fancy over priced toy.
>>>> Build a variable speed vacuum fan spark gap.
>>>> http://home.earthlink.net/~gary350/tc10-4.jpg
>>>> I have a 15" diameter PVC pipe you can have it FREE if you come and get
>>>> in Murfreesboro TN 37129. I have a truck load of other diameter PVC
>>>> 6", 8" and 10" it is all free to anyone that will come and get it.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: Travis Tabbal <travis@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>Sent: Nov 5, 2009 10:58 AM
>>>>>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>Subject: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>>>>>I was wondering if someone had a JavaTC file they would be willing to
>>>>>for a chicken based coil. I was thinking secondary diameter in the
>>>>>range. The chicken is 14.4Kv 10KVA. The gap will be rotary, not yet
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