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Re: [TCML] Scoping Quench
Howdy Scot,
> hey Greg..
> If your coil is putting out streamers comparable to other
> coils of the
> size and power, its quenching :)
Sure, it's quenching somewhere, but where? 1st notch? 4th notch? I want to see for myself. It's not an urgent matter. I'm just curious.
Also, good sparks don't automatically imply good quenching. While analyzing his single static sucker gap, Gary Lau discovered that even with crappy quenching, a Tesla coil can produce satisfactory streamers. Hey Gary, how did you scope that without killing your scope?
> Attempting to put an O-scope on a primary ( or even near a
> primary)
> could lead to the death of the scope...
Yeah, I've thought of that. My scope is a Japanese relic from the late 70's. I gave $45 for it. If it croaks, I'll get over it.
What about optical probing? Could I rig up a photo diode coupled to the input channel on my scope and let it "watch" the spark gap? Does the spark gap arc accurately reflect spark gap performance?
> hi voltage from the supply itself, EMP EMF from the
> primary, inductive
> voltages etc... are things to consider
> O-Scopes, even tho most are shielded, can be influenced by
> exterior
> sources. Mine can give erratic readings if I have a
> fluorescent lite too
> close to it.
> See what other people have to say about protecting a scope
> in that
> situation.... Ive never done it due to the fear of trashing
> mine...
> Scot D
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