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Re: [TCML] 1/4 wavelength theory ??
Shannon Weinhold wrote:
> I obviously need to touch up on my tech knowledge before
> I go spouting off on here. :)
No, please spout! Your question cut straight to the difficulty
and was a good one. More like that please. Good questions
are the seeds from which a good thread grows, and a good thread
often leads to new ideas, and so on.
Fact is, the question of whether a TC is a 1/4 wave resonator
often comes up, and the answer is both yes and no. That makes
it a good question - one which a lot of list members would 2nd.
It creates an opportunity to present a bit of resonator physics,
which, these days, doesn't get discussed as much as it used to.
Perhaps someone will take the bait in my last post and ask what
3/4 wave has got to do with magnifiers.
Paul Nicholson
Tesla mailing list