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Re: [TCML] Magnifier topics
David wrote:
> The typical behaviour I've noticed with TC's are they
> have an "optimal" break rate that if you exceed it, all
> you succeed in doing is burning more power, with no net
> increase in spark length beyond the optimum. Based on
> our collective groups experience, a magnifier's streamer
> length continues to grow based on BPS and power input
> limitations only.
John wrote:
> In my own magnifier work, I compared 12 points series
> quenching rotaries and regular rotary gaps, and didn't
> see any difference in performance. The mechanical dwell
> time in all rotaries tends to be rather long compared to
> optimal quench times, except perhaps for huge Tesla coils
> running at very low frequencies.
Experiences clearly differ. In a particular system, much may
depend on the operating mode (3:4:5, or whatever) and
frequency. Short transfer time due to low modes and/or high
frequency would presumably require a more determined quenching,
and that would be true of both 2-coil and 3-coil systems.
Finn wrote:
> In a coil the size of Antonio's, if the primary coil
> is only 4 turns, but same geometry for equal coupling,
> resulting in 5.5uH and a capacitor of 55nF the same
> primary frequency of around 288kHz would be achieved.
Sure, we are free to vary L1/C1 ratio.
> Primary resonates by itself at 288ish frequency, but this
> value is not one of the 3 frequencies you mention for the
> coil. Why not?
Preempting Antonio's reply, see Eq 6 in
L1C1 must resonate at the 1/4 wave frequency of (L2+L3) and C3,
ie the secondary+tertiary+topload without the t-line C.
I just tested this with my model and L2+L3 with C3 rings at
281kHz, close enough.
Paul Nicholson
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