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Re: [TCML] Tesla Coil detector
An update to this thread....
Still pic
Reviewing quickly, this circuit presents an electrically biased neon bulb so it can glow when activiated at a distance by RF, etc. (while an unbiased free neon bulb does not glow at same distance).
Long story short, the speaker used in this circuit (see first post of this thread) did not work for me, so I added a meter to it instead. The meter tested out at full deflection at 0.001 Amp and as used in this circuit supplying 100 V to the neon bulb therefore about 0.1 Watt. Knowing the cross sectional area of the neon bulb, and the biased neon bulb at 8 feet (2.43 meter) from the TC came up with 70 mW/cm^2 power density (specific power) for the TC at 8 feet. (Noting a comparison neon bulb not connected to anything did not light at all at 8 feet.)
Having done the same testing at 30 feet and no neon bulb reading, however my much more sensitive RF meter with wide range went off scale at that distance due to the TC. I estimate (square of distance ratio) 5 mW/cm^2 at 30 feet, and my RF meter is most capable even down to 0.03 mW/cm^2.
The neon bulb detector makes in interesting high RF meter. But I wondered if anyone out there knows of accurate power density readings for a TC? Curious how well I did. :)
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