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[TCML] Controlling Speed of an AC (Muffin) Fan
So I plan on purchasing this: http://www.mpja.com/prodinfo.asp?number=17780+FN
AC muffin fan and I need a way to vary its speed. I was thinking of
using a rheostat, but Paul suggests otherwise. Then I thought of using
a dimmer switch, but I remember trying to control my drill press with
my variac (kinda the same, right?). It wouldn't work because you need
to control the frequency of the electricity, not the voltage like you
do with most DC motors.
Anyway, what do you guys use to control your AC motors on your rotary
gaps or spark gap fans?
Thank you,
P.S: I only opt for AC motors for their immunity to the coils magnetic
field. One more thing on the topic of fans, should 200 CFM be good
enough to quench my RQ gap? I'm running a 15/30 NST.
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