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Re: [TCML] Coil V5 - first light
Scott -
My coil that I am referencing is the one that has been used for many years
for the various 'Lightning Guy' and 'Miss Electra' stunts, notably the
appearances either of us (myself, or Danielle) have made on various TV
programs (Most recently "Superhuman".) Yeah, it's pretty well 'built like
a tank', and has survived shipping to many places around the globe. (And
shippers aren't exactly 'careful'...)
The Tesla coil itself stands about 48" overall, so 72-78" discharges
'ain't too shabby'. I'm running it with a 100:1 dry potential transformer
(driven into core saturation, but hey...)
You can catch a few glimpses on my website; www.thelightningguy.com Do a
Google image search on 'Danielle' + "Miss Electra" + Tesla coil to find a
few featuring the 6-foot discharges off our hands. Just don't try to
attempt this yourself. (Yeah, I know, but still...!)
- brent
> Hi Brent,
> Well put. To clarify when I say less energy per bang I'm implying use
> of a smaller cap to accommodate a higher break rate, so more but smaller
> breaks, same average power. Good thoughts nonetheless, Interesting
> secondary geometry (is it a magnifier?) do you have some pictures of
> your system, I'd love to see them, 6 feet is pretty darn good for 4kW,
> and a system that runs for 12 years is a real accomplishment, I'd like
> to see construction details for implementation in my future designs. A
> magnifier is my next tesla project on my list, for now I've been
> concentrating on plasma stuff, learning a bit of glassblowing.
> Scott Bogard.
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