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[TCML] DC pulse capacitor help

Hello, I am new here and am currently building a Tesla coil using 2 15kv
60ma NST's. It will have a rotary spark gap but my problem is what type of
capacitor to use. Currently I found a Pulse capacitor on ebay (
a GE DC pulse capacitor rated at 50kv with one HV bushing on the top model
#17L 9PH) and I am wondering if this will work for my configuration. I am
aware it should be used with DC but read that you can feed these capacitors
AC as long as it's lower than the rated voltage. I also notice If I do use
this capacitor, the case will be live also because the other terminal is
connected to the case and one on the bushing. So, any advice is greatly
appreciated as this is going to be my first big Tesla coil. Thank you again

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