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Re: [TCML] static gap singing coil hybrid.
The MOTs will probably work. Also the charging inductor serves the purpose
of limiting the current from the filter capacitors when the spark gap is
triggered. Remove the inductor, and you end up dumping the the filter
capacitors across the spark gap when it's triggered.
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 17:55, Scott Bogard <sdbogard@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Phillip,
> I was planning on eventually building a DC coil eventually anyway,
> and I have enough microwave oven capacitors and diodes that I could build a
> MOT based level shifter with all the current I can handle, not sure if that
> would cut it or if I would need a resonate charging inductor, which could be
> made with more MOTs in theory. Since it is triggered it shouldn't need an
> especially high voltage I suppose, so 4kV was where I was aiming. The
> biggest hurtle I see is cooling, having that arc that close to glass for
> prolonged periods will be tricky, but maybe if I run cold air or oil or even
> water through the tube, its life expectancy should be similar to glass jar
> capacitors I'd imagine, even if I only get 15 minutes out of it glass tubing
> is a lot cheaper than IGBT's, and is easy to replace...
> Scott.
> On 1/25/2011 1:13 PM, Phillip Slawinski wrote:
>> Scott,
>> While this looks okay in theory, there would be some limitations. The
>> main
>> limitation would be that this could only work with a DC charging system.
>> This adds complexity to the project, because you must then locate large HV
>> filter caps, diodes, and a properly designed charging reactor. Aside from
>> those issues, I don't see any fundamental reasons why it can't be done.
>> If
>> you do this please share your results.
>> -Phillip
>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:44, Scott Bogard<sdbogard@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>>> So I was looking at this web page today at work for no particular
>>> reason...
>>> http://www.glacialwanderer.com/hobbyrobotics/
>>> If I am understanding this correctly, he essentially built a spark gap
>>> triggered by the corona around the inner glass tube from his trigger
>>> coil. If that is correct would it be terribly easy (if extremely
>>> inefficient) to make a singing coil by constructing a similar spark
>>> gap (with better cooling for actual run times) and just trigger the
>>> inner coil with a midi signal. This way for those of us who don't
>>> want to tackle DRSSTC yet, can just build essentially a midi triggered
>>> flyback, to gain familiarity with the audio interfacing without the
>>> added complication of going strictly solid state, and the expense of
>>> IGBTs. Has anyone tried this?
>>> Scott.
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