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RE: [TCML] Q: Why won't this work better?

> -----Original Message-----
> Assuming your NSTs are both giving full output power, I would suspect
> the spark gap may not be quenching well.  However if that's the case,
> then I'd expect the coil to give a longer spark when you first turn it on,
> then the spark length would quickly diminish.  

Excellent assumption.  Sounds like the scenario to a tee.

> I assume also that you tried tapping the primary at various points along
> the 6th turn, since the tuning may be critical.

Yup... did it.

> I assume also there are no shorted turns in the secondary, which could
> result if you had racing sparks along the secondary at some point in the past.

Checked it... none.

> Many coilers use a 140V step up type variac to power the coil, and
> that can help some also.

Already using one... thus the 8,750 volts, instead of 7,500.
> Sometimes the sound produced by the coil can give a clue too.  It should
> sound steady and smooth, not pulsed or irregular.  If you can create a
> video that we can hear, that maybe be helpful

I will be doing a video very soon... likely tonight.  The sound seems to be very steady for the most part, but once I get the variac
past a certain point, the SG goes so fast, it's almost producing a "hiss", but when that happens, the streamers stop, and won't come
back until I back the variac off again.

> For a good comparison, the coil should also be using an LTR cap.
> A smaller STR type cap will tend to give a different, even smoother sound.

All apps tell me 25.5nf is the LTR... 25 was the closest I could get with
Those CDE 942C20P15K-F caps.

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