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Re: [TCML] update


>> The problem can be solved
>> by placing a corona ring just above the top turn.  It can
>> be maybe 5" overall diameter or so, and as little as 1" tube
>> diameter, maybe less.  Sparks should come off the main
>> copper ball rather than this corona ring.

If you have a local crafts shop you can go to the floral section and
find foam rings of various sizes.  Try to find one about 6" in size or
so, then create a center for the ring (so you can mount it on top).
Cover the whole assembly with foil tape.  This will be a cheap and
effective solution.  You can see the results of making such a toroid
here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pslawinski/3119060255/sizes/o/in/set-72157623355812229/
 It's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it gets the job done.

> I am intrigued by the description of this "corona ring". Have you (possibly) close-up photos of said device?  I have temporarily
> protected the secondary windings with a plastic jar lid, covered with foil tape... streamers still happening there, but at least not
> directly on the windings.

The bottom toroid serves as a corona ring, thus allowing me to raise
the main Toroid higher above the secondary without encountering major
e-field issues.

-Phillip Slawinski
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