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Re: [TCML] VTTC Power Supply with 866A

Hello again,

Many thanks for the suggestions,

I tried with two MOT connected in series and fed in opposite phase to the primary transformer for the 2200 + 2200 volts, but this type of transformer can not seem to be able to function in this way, most likely because of its saturation and harmonic generation, which are not like the 866A, or for their proximity to excessive magnetic coupling between them which of them disturbing each other. I tried to replace them with 3B28 but the result is the same, the output voltage is at maximum 1800 volts.

I procured a 1600 +1600 volts, but the flash-over continue to torment me with an inductance of about 5 Henry is not even the voltage of 1700 volts, the thing I do not like.

Should I get this damn "swinging choke" that seems to be the only solution, but I could not find around capable of supporting a current of 700-800 mA, someone has any?

I have located one of the UTC, the S-34 but it bears up to 300 mA and I would be put in at least one other parallel.


Emili Claudio


----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 2:22 AM
Subject: Re: [TCML] VTTC Power Supply with 866A


Others will no doubt suggest a string of 1N5403's or the like (not as pretty) however I'd suggest you persevere with MOT's for both the swinging choke and main Xfrmr (cheap and available) and make some suggestions.

I am not clear what DC supply voltage you are seeking but from your post I assume about 2800 v DC with a choke input L/C filter and want only 2 rectifiers hence using a centre tapped xfrmr to get Full Wave rectification

1) With MOT's as main xfrmrs and MV rectifiers only used (thus choke I/P filter required) 2800 v is a little tricky, you could play around with 2 MOT's per side and reduce the primary voltage in some manner.

2) An array of MOT's as a swinging choke, I's suggest a small gap in the E/I's say around 0.15 mm (this can be adjusted to set onset of saturation and hence the swinging point) An array of 3 in series with the right gapping should be about right but you may need to experiment. There will be a configuration of MOT's in series and or // that will do the job.

Some while ago I injected a variable DC current thru a MOT secondary while simultaneously measuring the AC secondary impedance (Hence L) and MOT's saturate with DC in the secondary very quickly unless gapped. These measurements assured me the array I built for a ring up choke in a DC resonant design would maintain it's L in the presence of DC currents. Can offer more advice off list if you need

Ted in NZ

From: E.m.c.2
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 12:51 AM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: [TCML] VTTC Power Supply with 866A

Hello to the whole list,

I'm 'making a power supply for my VTTC, which uses mercury vapor rectifiers more' precisely the famous 866A.

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