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Re: [TCML] Tesla coil history - which came first?
> I've been asked to give a brief talk about Tesla coils. Of course no
> discussion of the topic is complete without credit to its inventor,
> Nikola Tesla. It dawned on me that I don't really understand how
> Tesla came upon that device. We all know he developed the TC to
> enable wireless transmission of power, but it's not obvious that
> he started out with that goal and then built a TC, or, more likely
> IMO, he somehow for some reason, cobbled together an early
> prototype TC, saw that power was transmitted, only then realizing
> what it could do, and endeavored to refine it for that purpose.
> Is there any known account of what inspired Tesla to first
> build a resonant transformer? Which came first - a high frequency
> resonant transformer, or the vision of wireless power transmission?
> Or is it all just speculation at this point?
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
By Tesla, two editions 1894(?) and 1906, sundry reprints and
on google books.
Happens i got an original, decades back, in a used book store.
after building my first coil. Rather set/warped my views.
In my view: advantageous as _contemporary_, writ for
technical audience (Its an expanded set of AIEE (now IEEE)
papers, near as i know.)
I wasn't reading for history, likely forgot some. My
vagueish recollection was Tesla worked his way up thru
faster alternators, modified 'spark/ruhmkorff' coils,
found he did well without a core.
'wireless' had been around for decades: Hertz, Loomis
and his kites. Sundry others were working on the
communication angle at the time: tho THEN the communication
WAS 'wireless power': no _amplifier_ (There's an exeception)
existing. As decades passed, others gor alternators up to
100KHZish, but i digress... Too much reading of OLDE
(contemporary) wireless books.
My _impression_ is Tesla was looking for The Next Big Thing.
He had revolutionized with AC (improving on the work of others,
originating, and (later) seeing his work improved by yet
others.) He had confidence in his ability to do it again.
Sort distance (lab size) lighting of gas discharge lamps
IF Improvable MIGHT have been IT.
In general, i would concur with previous comments.
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