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Re: [TCML] Smoke Detector Issues

Oh - I didn't realize that YOU were the author of the video.  My bad for
not checking!

My comments on the video were motivated by the vague, hokey title of the
video "the isolation of pure force", and the fact that there is no audio
narration and no trace of explanation of what it is that the video is
attempting to demonstrate.  It's not hard to find YouTube videos where
folks attribute all sorts of mystical explanations to perfectly common
phenomenon.  Not really a peer-reviewed forum.

The video merely shows a charged foil pyramid spinning as a lit candle is
brought near it, and stop as it is withdrawn.  No indication of whether it
would have behaved any differently if the candle was not lit (I'm
predicting not).  I don't claim to be an electrostatics expert, but I'm
thinking that the spinning is due to the local e-field about the pyramid
increasing as another object of a dissimilar charge is brought near,
resulting in increased corona discharge and resulting forces causing it to
rotate, as with the common ion-motor experiment we do with our TC's.
 Nothing to do with ions traveling through the glass or neighbors' walls -
the original point of contention relating to the smoke detector.

I see other videos you created (one entitled: Is They Particles Or Is They
Waves Conductor), showing the same foil pyramid, spinning as a hand holding
a toothpick is brought near.  Nothing burning here.  Surely the toothpick
isn't generating ions, right?  Maybe toothpick particles or toothpick waves?

I can't reply to Stockholm regarding your cigarette phenomenon because I
haven't witnessed this.  Nor was I aware that the physics of electric
fields as well as gravity are "still up for grabs".  Whatever that means...

Regards, Gary Lau

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 11:07 AM, nickobert testein <
nickobert.testein@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> "I'm not sure what the video's author was attempting to demonstrate,
> > but I don't think it's well grounded in physics."
> why do you say that? if you are not sure know what i am doing, how do
> you know what its grounded or not grounded in?
> you saw the flames' presence increased the foil pyramids' spin. when i
> bring a lit cigarette to this unit, it also spins, however when air is
> drawn through the lit cigarette, it works as an accelerator would, it
> spins faster. now, understanding that the suction action increases the
> combustion rate of the cigarette, as well as the incomplete combustion
> rate, ie charged ions, kindly answer me how this action is achieved by
> simply "demonstrating an electrostatic field".
> a) you can't
> b) because the electric field, like gravity, is still up for grabs.
> c) if you disagree with b), please submit your paper to Stockholm, the
> world is awaiting your answer Oh Lord of Physics.
> (ie please explain how a spinning dielectric reduces electrostatic
> attraction between charged plates- Roentgens' dilemma. if you don't
> know what this is, please do not submit your paper to Stockholm.)
> NT
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Gary Lau <glau1024@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > RF doesn't create ions; HV does.  And ions most certainly do not pass
> > through matter.  Regardless of any ability to pass through matter, ions
> are
> > extremely short-lived.  No possibility of them passing into the neighbors
> > house.
> >
> > The YouTube video is simply demonstrating a DC electrostatic field, which
> > DOES pass through an insulator.  This has nothing to do with the issue at
> > hand.  I'm not sure what the video's author was attempting to
> demonstrate,
> > but I don't think it's well grounded in physics.
> >
> > Gary Lau
> > MA, USA
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 12:01 PM, nickobert testein <
> > nickobert.testein@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >> the rf is creating ions in your neighbors house as well as yours. ions
> >> pass through matter like water through a sieve.
> >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft4mKcWdQWk
> >>
> >> what you need is a bigger sink than exists in the pellet of
> >> americanium found in the smoke alarm.
> >>
> >> <snip>
> >>
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