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           Well, yes,
some "Pigs" are solid state but imagine running a TC on that!

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 6:17 AM, Jim Lux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 7/29/12 3:36 PM, jjr wrote:
>> On 07/29/2012 12:02 PM, SusaX2 X2 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the info. I did not realize that MOTs were being wound with
>> aluminium wire. That are bound to be a disaster.
> Why?  As long as the thing is designed to carry the current and have
> acceptable losses, it really doesn't matter what the windings are made of.
> A bigger problem is that MOTs are exceedingly cost sensitive designs and
> they don't spend a penny more on materials than they absolutely have to.
> Aluminum wire is just part of it.  A pain, sometimes, because you can't
> solder to it easily, unlike copper.
> If anyone in New
>> England has a single phase pole pig for sale at a reasonable price
>> please contact me. A pole transformer appears to be the safest way to
>> proceed.
>> Thanks,
>> JJR
>>  Hi,
>>> I agree with Dave.
>>> MOT's nowadays have become very small and are all wound with aluminium
>>> wire.
>>> Even under oil these will burn out eventually.
> WHy?  Not because they're aluminum windings (pole transformers have had
> aluminum windings for decades).  Maybe because they're cheaply built?
>  If you're going to buy second hand mircrowave ovens, look for the old
>>> ones.
>>> The older the better. Old style MOT's are bigger and wound with copper
>>> wire. And these are easier to disassemble if you want to remove the
>>> shunts.
> that's generically true of everything.. older, less efficient and less
> "optimized" anything is usually easier to dismantle or modify.
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