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[TCML] If He Starts Nodding Off, Try Another Million Volts - Vasodilation
You guys need to be careful about prolonged exposure to Tesla coils.
Tesla coils (and particularly plasma globes) operate in a frequency range
that causes the arteries to dilate. If you feel pronounced improvement in
your overall well being during the operation of a coil, then that may not
be such a good thing. It may be that your arteries are partially clogged
and blood flow is temporarily improving.
Prolonged exposure to 29 kHz E field radiation, such as having a plasma
globe in constant operation, will cause vasodilation and improve your
circulation, but when you leave the 29 kHz E field the arteries will
contract to their normal state. In advanced atherosclerosis, this could
cause panic attacks about 30 minutes after the field is turned off.
The problem is not with the vasodilation, but with the underlying health of
those near the fields. It simply means a change of diet and exercise
regimen is in order. It can be very uncomfortable if you are not aware of
what is going on, as I have found out first hand.
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