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[TCML] Biography and projects (Peter Terren) - replace with your name and repost
I am hoping to get an idea of who is on the TCML, a bit about them and Tesla projects etc.
I will go first. I encourage others to replace my name in the subject line and tell the list about themselves.
Who: Peter Terren (aka Dr Electric, Tesladownunder, TDU) 56yo,
Where: Bunbury Australia
Contact: pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Experience: Tesla coiling in last 10 years but first was 40 years ago discovered myself (pre Tesla coil knowledge).
Best TC 18 inch diam, SGTC 11 foot sparks
Website: http://tesladownunder.com (inactive for 18 months while I am working on the new one) 3 million hits
Youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/Tesladownunder/videos?view=0 about 2 million hits (includes Break and others)
Media: TV segments x 16 inc 5 Discovery Channel, Australia’s Got Talent. Seen in 17 countries. 30 magazines/books etc
Social media: Google plus – about 1000 original photos posted including all projects in last 18 months not seen elsewhere.
Interests other than Tesla: Physics. Pulse power, magnetism, lasers, other high voltage. (200 projects on website)
Plans: About to do filming for special effects studio in few days and participate in a world record attempt in a month.
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