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Re: [TCML] At a loss. No light on second coil


Do you have any pictures of your coil? 

Off hand a few things i cant think of that would cause this, 

Have you tried drawing arcs, or providing a breakout point? 
If your getting a tiny 1" arc vs no arc, then that would tell us something about the situation. 

Perhaps your toroid is too large preventing a break out. 

Have you looked inside your secondary for carbon tracking?. I had a small secondary that dumped the arc right to ground via surface tracking on the inside of the pipe. 

Mistaking radius and diameter in your calculations would effect tuning (I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but its happened before i'm sure) 

Hope any of the above helps. 

I also have a couple small hunks of 3/8" OD tungsten laying around here somewhere, contact me off list if your interested. 

John "Jay" Howson IV 

"Why thank you, I will be happy to take those electrons off your hands." 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Webster" <andrew600rr@xxxxxxxxx> 
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 5:26:16 PM 
Subject: [TCML] At a loss. No light on second coil 

Hello list, 

I hope you all can help me here. I am at a loss. I have finished my 
second coil after a very successful first build. My first build was 
powered by 2x Franceformer 15kv 30ma NSTs, 14.7nF Saltwater Cap. 
Primary: .25inch copper tube with .375 spacing for a total of 11 
turns. Secondary: 4.5 x 24 1097 turns of .24 on a PVC pipe. Toroid was 
your basic 4x22 dryer duct. I was also able to use a 4x28 but the 22 
provided better results. Forced air static gap 

For my second coil I wanted to go bigger! So I built a 4 pack MOT 
stack and wired for 240. Center grounded and under oil. There is no 
ballast on this and I can draw some nasty sparks off of this. I also 
setup a MMC 14x10 942Cs for a total of 108.71nf. But I have reused the 
primary, secondary, and toroid off of the first build 

I am using a static sucker gap as I melted the brass off of the ARSG 
in seconds. The static gap is holding up better to the heat until I 
can get some tungsten. 

The issue is that no matter where I tune it I cannot get anything out 
of it. I have checked my connections. Checked ground. Cap is firing, 
the gap is deafening. I know it is all working but no spark. I checked 
on Tesla Map, Java TC, and a good old piece of scrap paper and a 
calculator and I should be on turn 4-5 for an initial tune. Going out 
to 10 every half turn and and down to 2 where the safety gap fires 
almost instantly and nothing. 

My thoughts are that I have too much current for my tiny secondary or 
I am flat out missing something. 

I will be very grateful for any help and I want to thank you all in advance. 

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