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RE: [TCML] Designing DRSSTCs
i shall do some reading this weekend and if anyone is interested or has any design advice this is a picture of my torrid and secondary https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151637392151138&set=a.10151086090331138.491448.639161137&type=1&theateri think it can be viewed by anyone but if not ill find another way to show it. i think my torrid seperation pipe is a bit to long ... oh and another question when you have a dual torrid setup like mine whare its a small torrid then a pipe going up to the large one i know you need to calculate the capacitence of both but does the pipe count for anything as its also covered in metal and hollow?
> From: daniel.h.mccauley@xxxxxxxx
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Designing DRSSTCs
> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 15:42:49 +0000
> Good post Jim.
> I second what Jim said. Although, its not necessary to purchase my book. There are many free resources available on the web that can give you an in depth look into DRSSTC design. I don't have the link here, but you can search them on GOOGLE:
> Steve Ward's High Voltage site
> Steve Conners site (UK)
> Richie Burnett (UK)
> I would highly recommend checking out these websites and learning all you can from their designs and writings. This will give you a good familiarity and education into the wonderful world of DRSSTCs.
> Matthew and I have been speaking for the past two weeks offlist regarding a DRSSTC kit. Basically Matthew is looking for something to use with a toroid, secondary, and primary he has already built. I want to make sure that he has a good understanding in DRSSTC design and construction as I don't want to sell any kit to someone blindly that doesn't understand the level of complexity involved. As said, the above resources have a lot of proven reference designs which can be used for a beginner's first DRSSTC and I highly go that route - especially if you want to learn the complete inner workings of a DRSSTC as opposed to just buying a kit.
> Regards,
> Dan
> http://www.easternvoltageresearch.com
> Anyway..
> Dan at EVR is one of the places to get a bunch of the pieces to build a SSTC, but as you have noticed, it's not exactly a "turnkey" kit. SSTCs are more complex than the simple SG coil, and over the years, a lot of people have scrounged the IGBT bricks, all of which have different characteristics, and as a result need different drive waveforms. So there's a fair amount of "roll-your-own" in the SSTC world.
> What calculations do you need to do?
> Have you spent the $30 or whatever to get Dan's book on building SSTCs from lulu? It contains a lot of useful information that pertains to SSTC building.
> http://www.easternvoltageresearch.com/books_drsstc.html
> While I'm sure most of the information in that book could be gleaned in a few weeks or months of googling/binging and reading through various material on the web, and grinding through some design exercises in SPICE, etc., it might be easier to just buy the book (after all, that's why people write books, so folks that follow don't have to make the same mistakes, hunt down the same info, etc.)
> This may come off as a bit "get offa my lawn you young whippersnappers", but when I started building coils, there was a fair amount of info on the web/usenet (lots and lots about rolling poly caps.) and some clearly outdated stuff in the library (PopSci articles and the like), and I found some books on "practical TC building", which got me really
> started. This list was a godsend once you got past building the first
> NST coil, because there are dozens and dozens of people on the list who have gone down the road before you. You want to know how to get a pole transformer? There are people who have done it before and can give you the ins and outs of the process (so you don't have crazy coworkers like I did, who offered to go saw down a power pole near their house... with LIVE lines)
> Sometimes it's worth just buying the book.
> Jim
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