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Re: [TCML] MMC Caps
Hi Carlos,
20uF, that's quite impressive.
How big of a coil are we talking about, just curious?
Why the 940C instead of the 942C? The 942C has better specs, considering
ESR, dV/dT and max. current.
The manufacturer's voltage ratings are very conservative and you're using
DC, won't be much of a problem then.
2013/10/19 <lightningfor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> I am building a large OLTC with about a 20uF capacitor.
> I want to run about 1200vDC so I can make use of the 3ph power I have
> available.
> I will be using the familiar 940C style of cornel Dublier capacitors all
> paralleled up to give me the 20uF, but I remember Steve HV recently saying
> that caps do breakdown after some hours of use if run beyond the AC
> rating...
> The problem is that when we serries them up to increae the voltage rating,
> it means we need LOTS of caps so more $$$$...
> The common cap is 940C20P47K-F, 0.47uF 2000v DC, 550vAC rated... (so I
> need about 170 caps in serries/parrallel)
> But there is also a 940C30P15K-F, 0.15uF 3000v DC, but the AC rating is
> still 550vAC...? (so I need about 130 in parallel.)
> Do you think I can RELIABLY run 1200v DC into the 3000v DC caps, or should
> I just bite the bullet and pay the dollars to serries/parrallel the larger
> 2000v DC caps?
> Thanks,
> Carlos
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