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Re: Build own capacators

Original poster: robert heidlebaugh <rheidlebaugh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

MMC: I am sorry to hear that your workmanship has disappointed you. I use
both home made capacitors and commercial capacitors , both have there place.
Both give superior preformance under there intended application. Building c
capacitor dosen't save money it is an instalment plan not a saving. I can
not make a home made capacitor small and transportable, and I can not buy a
commercial capacitor that provides the current or the traveling wave
deliverance of current to serve my neads so I build some and buy some. Each
to serve its own best application. If you build them correctly the don't
  Robert   H

> From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 17:24:23 -0700
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Build own capacators
> Resent-From: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Resent-Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 17:20:11 -0700 (MST)
> Original poster: Mddeming@xxxxxxx
> In a message dated 12/15/05 3:57:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> tesla@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
>> Original poster: tesla popp <teslas_lab@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Matt, you're missing the real point: HOMEMADE CAPS
>> SUCK!
>> Excuse me for being so blantent, but if you can tell
>> me even ONE instance where a home capacitor has
>> Out-Preformed, Outlasted, or been "More Compact" than
>> the cd942 MMC (when made properly), I will belive that
>> there is a future for the homemade cap!
> I am not missing what you call the "real point" . I was merely
> pointing out that there is more than one significant "point": that
> being that there is more to what motivates some humans than just efficiency.
> <;-)
>> Yes I AM stepping on some peoples toes here, but it's
>> NOT because Im an a**hole.
> Oh No? ? I guess one needs a much longer personal temporal axis to
> appreciate different aspects of creativity.
>> It's because I've wasted
>> TOO MUCH TIME AND MONEY building my own caps, only to
>> have them fail!  I do care about the well being of the
>> list members and I know how much it sucks to have a
>> capacitor fail.  Please take my word on this, MAKE AN
>> MMC!
> For the majority for whom efficiency is their sole motivating factor,
> your suggestion is right on the mark.
>> Im sorry to offend you who have lasting homemade caps,
>> but I push my coils (and there caps) very hard,  I
>> just ran one of my twins for 48 minuts.  The only
>> thing that got warm was the tranny, THE MMC REMAINED
>> COLD!  A run of 30+ minutes is very common here and
>> only the cd942 MMC has been flawless and lasted in
>> this area.
> BRAVO! BUT it is irrelevant to the point I was trying to make.
> Someday you may understand why my neighbor has more personal pride in
> his horribly inefficient hand-made replica of a 1903 Oldsmobile with
> tiller steering than he does in the Mercedes that he bought new off
> the lot last year, or why one of my grandsons is building a
> wood-planked sailboat.(with hand-sewn canvass and hemp rope lines)
> Coiler Forever: Jeremiah Popp
> PS: Cake mix won't EXPLODE and hurt you if you cook it
> to long.
> Have you ever seen a flour mill explosion?
> Matt D.
> You might check out Maslow's work on the differences in what motivates people.