Original poster: Illicium Verum <sebas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello Jeremia,
Why is it so hard to accept some critics?
Let people do what they like to do. If people want to make an MMC
that's fine and if they don't and want to build every part them
selfs, I have respect for that. It takes a lot of knowledge to make
your own good capacitor and there are plenty people who have
succeeded and their capacitors might be just as good or even better
than some MMC's. Even an MMC can be calculated wrong. But I agree
that if you don't know how to make a good home made capacitor it
saves you time and money to make an MMC.
Some people make a Tesla coil as an experiment and finnish it in a
month or so while other devote all their spare time on it to make it
look like a master piece.
However you do it, you have to leave people the choice and respect
their devotion and enthusiasm in doing it their own way. What is
the joy in taking that away from them?
I think it's not fair to say that home made capacitors will die and
outperform an MMC just because you and the coilers you count on your
one hand did not succeed. If only one person succeeded it proves it
is possible and that knowledge can be shared with others who could
copy that design.
Take this critic as an advice as I'm not telling you not to say
these things. I just ask you.
Kind regards,
Friday, December 16, 2005, 9:53:53 AM, you wrote:
> Original poster: tesla popp
> I will publically applogize for hurting the feelings
> of good ol' Matt. My point is this (and lets end it
> here): if you want your coil(s) to last FOREVER,
> Forget about homemade capacitors. Any new comer that
> has the desire for a Quality coil should build an MMC!
> If you truely belive that you "MUST" build a messy,
> cumbersome, oil filled homemade cap; build it with the
> understanding that it will inevitably FAIL. Unless it
> takes up more space than your entire coil itself it
> will die! This has been proven time and time again.
> I can count on one hand, the number of coilers I know
> whos homemade caps have lasted thru the years. And of
> those coils that use such capacitors, the preformance
> is nothing to brag about either.
> So go ahead and motivate yourself however you see fit.
> But when it comes time to pack your coil in the back
> of your car for the big show; I'd like to see you put
> all those bulky leaking caps back there along with the
> rest of your coil in less than a miunit like I can!
> Ok, I'm done ranting, take the facts for what they
> are, FACTS...
> Coiler Forever: Jeremiah Popp