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Re: dual MOT Tesla coil design is complete (fwd)
Original poster: Davetracer@xxxxxxx
In a message dated 10/31/2006 12:17:47 PM Mountain Standard Time,
tesla@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
Original poster: Mddeming@xxxxxxx
Hi Gerry,
When asked if the pending nuclear attack was real or simulated,
the computer in the movie "War Games" replied, "What's the difference?"
Tesla himself was the greatest proponent of the world view: "I have
conceived it, it works on paper to my satisfaction, therefore it IS real."
Matt D.
But he was *Tesla*, Matt.
Tesla's definition of "concieve" is a bit different than yours or mine.
Heck, the next time *my* vision is interrupted by visions of
alternating current motors so accurate that I can draw them and have
a reasonably good chance they'll work, then I'll be happy to say, "I
have conceived it, it works on paper to my satisfaction, therefore it
IS real." (And remember that Tesla found these visions to be an "annoyance".)
In the meantime, it's a lot more likely that *I* will continue
to be surrounded by those happy sounds of glass capacitors punching
through at high voltage, ozone, sparks rrrripping from the secondary
over to the primary because something is out of tune (again), and my
inevitable discovery that a couple of salad bowls taped together
makes a perfect top load, against all the math ...
Ah well. I'll never get an "A" in Tesla Coils, but I'll still enjoy it.
Take care,
Dave Small