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Happy Halloween...... Re: Merrie Xmas a christmas story
Original poster: davep <davep@xxxxxxxx>
Sometimes mail gets read late. )
By coincidence, its Halloween, and the the small coil is
buzzing intermittently to bemuse the goblins:
Candy in stainless bowl.
Draw sparks to bowl.
pass bowl to goblins....
One is reminded of a Ham Radio sotry, possibly true,
of the inlaws and the beach cottage. Seems the best way
to get a grounbd at the bich site was to use the septic system.
Needed milde retuning for state of tide.
One Day, however, while the inlaws were visting, and indeed,
one was using 'the facility', as Our Hero changed bands and tuned
up the transmitter it was found that:
The Throne was 1/4 wave way.
There is Resonant Rise at the end of a 1/4 wave.
(as to Bill's Xmas coil:
One is surprised Bill did not use a chain saw for an
arbitrailly long, self cooling, throttellable gap...)