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[TCML] Matching analog panel meters
Hi all,
I seem to be having little luck locating these items
at pretty much any cost through ebay so I'm turning
to the repository of this list for help ;^) Does anyone
have or know where to find decent large dial (3 1/2" or 4 1/2")
matching panel mount AC voltmeters and ammeters,
like Onan or Yokogawa brands? I'm looking for a 0-300
volt scale for the voltmeter and 0-150 or possibly 0-200
amps scale for the ammeter. I already have 150:5 and
200:5 current transformer as I know that ammeters of
this scale typically have a 5 amp full scale movement.
I'm needing these to spruce up the metering on my
Green Monster control panel.
Thanks for any help,
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