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RE: spark gap noise suppression
Original poster: "Mark Dunn" <mdunn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
When the spark gap is replaced with SISG the noise from the spark gap is
eliminated. In the case of my coil, the reduction in sound was
dramatic. My coil was a DC resonant charging type prior to SISG. Not
sure if that makes for a louder RSG for some reason. For me the
elimination of the spark gap reduced the noise by easily 50% and maybe
75%. Also, eliminated TV interference on the floor above me.
> Original poster: "Todd Reeve" <todd.reeve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Has anyone ever tried to make things a little quieter when running
your coil? > > I was looking at the muffler on my central vacuum unit
and it has a > muffler that quiets the unit by about 50%. Borrowing
from that idea, > I was thinking about building a box lined with some
type of foam with > openings on each end. Any thoughts? >