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Re: [TCML] Magnifier topics

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz skrev:

What are the exact dimensions of the 1 turn primary? I want to check if I am calculating its inductance correctly. A magnifier made with an electronic gap that does not quench avoids the problem of looking at what happens with the energy after quenching.
It is a 2 turn primary, really.
Outside start diametre is 180mm
Inside stop diametre is 166mm
Pitch is 7mm/turn.

I was under the impression that this it was desirable to investigate the behaviour of, and perhaps the need for, a precise quench. Therefore, I am rigging up the Steve Conner OLTC driver to it, which means it will be able to force quench, although only at times when current is passing trough IGBT, but not when it passes the freewheel diode.

Cheers, Finn Hammer
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