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Re: [TCML] DC pulse capacitor help
Hi Shelby.
I used to use an MMC made from the famed CDE 942 series caps. Worked great.
Now I use the Maxwells bought from that same guy on eBay. They take up far less space, and given the number of 942s I needed to make my MMC, I'd say it was the roughly the same cost, and I didn't have to build a circuit board, etc.
However, I am somewhat paranoid and I did buy a 60kv rated power resistor as a bleeder, and that probably tipped the scales cost wise in favor of the smaller 942s. A bunch of 10Meg 2W resistors cost just a few bucks for 100 from Mouser. Whereas the 60kV deal I bought was about $30.
All said, been using the Maxwell setup for about 2 months. So far so good.
On Oct 31, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Shelby L. wrote:
> OK, Thanks for the help so far. I have decided not to go with the GE cap
> because of safety issues, efficiency and also because of bulk. Now I was
> also looking at some maxwell pulse capacitors from the same seller (
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280568809498&category=4662&_trksid=p5197.c0.m619&_trkparms=1876%3A1)
> and am wondering if these might be a bit better to use, as they are also
> slightly cheaper than the GE capacitor. Would I still be able to use these
> with my 15kv transformer as they are rated at a much lower 35kv DC? Also I
> was also looking at some chinese capacitors that claim to be .01uF @ 20kv (
> http://cgi.ebay.com/0-01uF-20KV-High-Voltage-Capacitor-HV-Tesla-Coil-Ham-/360313485656?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item53e45b7958)
> what is your opinion on these or should I just stay away from them and get
> some expensive Cornell caps. Thanks again for the advice and cant wait to
> get this thing up and running!!
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